倒序《Don't touch my male lead》 introduce
Comic artist Jing Jing (played by Liu Nian) dreamed of his manga protagonist Yue Yan (played by Wang Haoge) after getting drunk one day, and came into his own world. In this world, Yue Yan has no extraordinary talent except for helping others to draw red lines, but he believes that love can overcome everything. Faced with Yue Yan, who had no source of livelihood and was homeless, Quiet could only temporarily"take in" Yue Yan. Unexpectedly, Yue Yan felt unfamiliar with everything in the real world and repeatedly made jokes, making Quiet suffer unbearable. Yue Yan tried to help Jing Jing fulfill her wish, but unexpectedly became more and more helpful, making Jing Jing look like a fool. Although the journey was bumpy and noisy, love sprouted between the two.Everyone is looking for: Don't touch my male lead, don't touch my male lead short drama, don't touch my male lead short drama for free viewing, don't touch my male lead TV drama, don't touch my male lead actor list, don't touch my male lead plot introduction TV cat, don't touch my male lead TV drama for free viewing, don't touch my male lead Baidu Baike, don't touch my male lead poster stills
《別動我的男主角》 繁體簡介
漫畫家安靜(劉念飾演)一日醉酒後,夢到了自己的漫畫主人公嶽言(王浩歌飾演),來到了自己生活的世界。 在這個世界,嶽言除了會幫人牽紅線以外,沒有過人才能,但嶽言相信愛可以戰勝一切。 面對沒有生活來源無家可歸的嶽言,安靜只能暫時“收留”嶽言。 想不到嶽言對現實世界的一切都感到陌生,屢屢鬧出笑話,讓安靜苦不堪言。 嶽言試圖幫助安靜實現願望,不想卻越幫越忙,讓安靜出盡了洋相。 雖然一路磕磕絆絆,吵吵鬧鬧,但愛意卻在兩人之間萌發。大家都在找:別動我的男主角,別動我的男主角短劇,別動我的男主角短劇免費觀看,別動我的男主角電視劇,別動我的男主角演員表,別動我的男主角劇情介紹電視貓,別動我的男主角電視劇免費觀看,別動我的男主角免費觀看,別動我的男主角百度百科,別動我的男主角海報劇照
公元 2025年,由 晟菡 等老师负责剧本编写,晟菡导演负责制作,刘念,王浩歌,吴茉彤,金浩鹏,柴翊格,曲桐雨,李卓衡 等明星实力参演的 现代都市《别动我的男主角》,此影片于2025-01-10上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!奈飞中文祝您观影愉快!
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上海 2025-01-15 02:09:12